Title Last Date Of Application

Applications are invited for Empanelment for position of IT Resource Persons (Assistant Programmer ‘B’ – (C), Programmer (C), Sr. Programmer- (C), Sr. Programmer- KOL-(C), Assistant Programmer ‘B’- KOL-(C) , Senior Executive and Executive) purely on Contract Basis (Advt. No. 07/314/2024/NDL/FM). Online application for the position of Senior Executive and Executive has been reopened from 27/02/2025 to 05/03/2025.

2025-03-05 00:00:00

Candidate selected for the contractual post of Consultant (Legal) against recruitment advertisement No. FMG-02/01-2025 published on 25/01/2025

Empanelment list for the position of Assistant Faculty (Electronics), Associate Faculty (Electronics), Assistant Faculty (IT & AI) and Assistant Faculty (Cloud Computing & IT) purely on Contract Basis (Advt. No. NC-DE/035/3/2023-NC/1(part-1)).

Schedule of Interview for the post of  Regional Coordinator  and Resource Person(Office Assistant)


Empanelment list for the position of IT Resource Persons on Contract Basis (Advt. no. 07/316/2025/NDL/FM). 

Empanelment list for the position of IT Resource Persons on Contract Basis (Advt. no. 07/314/2024/NDL/FM). 

Interview Result 27-02-2025 for Contractual Posts of Senior/Junior faculty to be deployed at  CABA-MDTP Centres of NCPUL

एनसीपीयूएल के सीएबीए-एमडीटीपी केंद्रों पर तैनात किए जाने वाले वरिष्ठ/जूनियर संकाय के संविदात्मक पदों के लिए साक्षात्कार परिणाम 27-02-2025

Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for selection/empanelment of Faculty, for NIELIT

2025-03-17 00:00:00
