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राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान ,गोरखपुर

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology,Gorakhpur

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India


150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi@NIELIT Gorakhpur

30 October 2018

NIELIT Gorakhpur is observing 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Under the cleanliness awareness campaign, Shri A.G. Rao, Dy. Director (T) and Shri Y.S. Chaudhary, P.T.O. delivered the lecture on safe disposal of e-Waste.NIELIT Gorakhpur is observing 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Under the cleanliness awareness campaign, Shri A.G. Rao, Dy. Director (T) and Shri Y.S. Chaudhary, P.T.O. delivered the lecture on safe disposal of e-Waste.

Contact Us

​MMM University of Technology Campus,
Deoria Road,
Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh - 273010.
Mobile No: +91 8317093894 (Reception)

Email: dir-gorakhpur[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in

