For all the talk of India's demographic dividend, its bulging youth population, the country is also greying rapidly.As per Population Census 2011 there are nearly 104 million elderly persons in India; 53 million females & 51 million males. A 2015-16, All India Senior Citizens Confederation survey shows that 39% have been either abandoned or live alone & 60% elderly people living with families face abuse & harassment. Prevalence of various diseases especially hearth related among elderly population is very common.
Usage of mobile applications can result in a feeling of seamless family bonding and can also lead to significant savings, hassle free Bill payments/Utility Services resulting in improvement quality of lives and comfort level of senior citizen’s. There are number of Government schemes in place but there is lack of awareness regarding these initiatives & schemes and also there is a need to promote holistic policies and programmers for dealing with ageing society.
To bring awareness among elderly persons about mobile applications for the fulfilment of various needs related to health monitoring needs, personal information needs, social needs commuting needs, leisure besides safety and privacy needs.
To sensitize elderly persons about various government schemes & programmes, informing them about various legislation, acts and personal laws enacted for their protection, usage of smart phones, precautions & security from common frauds, preventive and curative health care.
To conduct 300 workshops (50 participant in each) in 5 districts of Maharashtra viz Aurangabad, Akola, Nashik, Nandurbar and Thane.
Each Workshop would spread over a period of 10 days (4 hours per day) and would include session on Usage of Smartphones, Precautions & Security for prevention of Common frauds, sensitization regarding Government schemes, sensitization regarding legislations, acts and personal laws, Health, Social Activities,Yoga and fitness exercises for the betterment of 50 elderly SC/ST Participants.
Sessions would be conducted in regional language (Marathi) would use Audio/Video, Presentation and live demonstrations for maximum impact.
Each participant would be provided with Pen, folder, Writing Pad, Audio Video CD, Leaflets/Booklets and snacks.
To conduct 5 Mobilizations Camps (one per district) to spread awareness regarding Social initiative for Senior Citizens being undertaken by NIELIT under aegis of MeitY, to enlist support from potential stakeholders (NGO, HelpAge, Bank, Post Office, panchayat etc.), for publicity and to ensure maximum participation of SC/ST Senior Citizens in above workshops.
To empower 15000 SC/ST Senior Citizens in these five districts (3000 per district) over a period of 2 years.
3. Outcome and likely Impact
Through this project, it is envisioned that living standards of the participant Senior Citizens/Elderly people would improve. It will instill a sense of support among elderly peoples that MeitY, NIELIT and many other agencies are there to help them out in case of any need or emergency. It is expected that these awareness events would help to improve comfort in their lives, enable them to connect with world of technology independently & hassle-free manner besides resulting in significant savings. The support and care that can be extended to them through NGOs and Government agencies will help them in minimizing the pains of litigation, financial losses, mental agony etc.
Registerd social organization /Institute/NIELIT accredited center may approcah with list of about 50 prospective candidates with their age & caste proof to enter into an agreement & seek next target.
4.Deliverables & Resources
A campaign comprising of “Awareness Events for Senior Citizen” would be conducted for the empowerment of Senior Citizens using ICT Technology. The content of the course are as under:
5.Contact Details