Library Infrastructure

Rich library caters to the information needs of the students, researchers and scientists with its well managed information resources housed in two floors spread over an area of 331 Sq.Mtr. The library has a huge collection of books, reference books, periodicals, and electronic resources. The mission to facilitate creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization and dissemination of knowledge resources.

1. Rich Collection of Books

The library possesses rich collection of more than 14000 latest books covering subjects such as Electronics, Computer Science, Micro-controllers, Embedded systems, Internet of things, Bioinformatics, Information Security, Precision-Agriculture, Bio technology, Control Engineering, Instrumentation, Networking, Communication, Robotics.

2. MeitY Library Consortium

The Centre is part of MeitY Library Consortium and has access to an inventory of latest e-Books, Research Papers and e-Journals including IEEEXPLORE among others.




3. Journals, Theses and Periodicals

More than 20 National Journals/Magazines of repute are being subscribed by the library.


4. Magazines and Newspapers

Library is subscribing to all leading newspapers in English, Hindi and Marathi.

5. National Knowledge Network

The purpose of NKN goes to the very core of the country’s quest for building quality institutions with requisite research facilities and to create a pool of highly trained professionals.


The Centre is part of NKN and can seamlessly connect at gigabit speed and enables students, scientists, researchers to work together for accessing information to stimulate research and create next generation applications & services in critical and emerging areas.

6. National Digital Library

The Centre is also part of National Digital library of MHRD, India. The students and staff can access and download 6.5 million books in vernacular languages of multiple national and international digital libraries.



Facilities to Students

1. Book Request

Students can give recommendation for procurement of any Books, Journals and Magazines (Foreign as well as National). The requests are examined and procurement of the same is done.

2. Facility for Downloading

There is adequate seating facility besides stack of computers for downloading research papers, e-Journals, e-Books and other reading material


3. Book Bank

Six books are given to each student per Semester. Students have unrestricted access to all shelf of books and Journals.

4. Miscellaneous Services

Reprographic service, Circulation, Curriculum Support for training programs and other User awareness services. 
