Workshop on "Digital Payment Awareness and Information Security" at FET, GKV, Haridwar

NIELIT Haridwar conducted a workshop on "Digital Payment Awareness and Information Security" at Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar on 27.8.2019. About 120 B.Tech first year students and faculty members attended the workshop. Dr. Mayank Aggarwal, HOD (CSE) presented Memento to Director-in-charge, NIELIT Haridwar. Shri Nikhil Ranjan, Sr. Faculty of NIELIT Haridwar gave presentation on the subject and also conducted a quiz. The winners of the quiz were awarded with prize. Dr. Suyash Bhardwaj, Shri Nishant Kumar and Shri Ashwani of FET and Shri Sushil Kumar of NIELIT Haridwar also graced the occasion with their presence. Dr. S. Panwar, Dean & Head also desired that such awareness programmes are the need of the hour and desired NIELIT to conduct more such programmes time to time.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019
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Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - 11:45
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