राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान
National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology
30 October 2024
NIELIT Delhi organized a Diwali Fest on the theme “Eco-Friendly Diwali ” for students of NIELIT Delhi. The fun filled event was full of activities consisting of Rangoli Making Competition, IT Quiz, Diya decoration, Poster Making etc. in all centres of NIELIT Delhi. Students participated with great enthusiasm in all the events and exhibited their talents in all domains and made this Diwali more memorable. The Diwali fest culminated with prize distribution for best performance in the events. ED NIELIT and OIC of extension centres congratulated all the winners & wished students a safe and prosperous Diwali and encouraged them for active participation in events. Lakshmi poojan & Diya Lighting was also performed by all NIELIT officials on the eve of Diwali.