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राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India


MoU with NIT Puducherry & MoU with KMCTWEC

27 September 2019

Signining of MoU between NIELIT Calicut and NITPY

NIT Puducherry has entered into a MoU with NIELIT Calicut for facilitating academic and research collaboration.NIT Puducherry was sanctioned by the Government of India in 2009, as part of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2007–2012). It is one among the 31 National institutes of Technology of India and is declared as an Institute of National Importance by Government of India under NIT Act

The Executive Director, Dr M.P Pillai and the Director, Dr Sankaranarayasamysigned the MoU representing both NIELIT Calicut and NITPY respectively in an grandeur event at NITPY on 21.09.2019. The core objectives of the proposed MoU are Exchange of academic&scholarly resources, materials etc and tofacilitate joint publications , Exchange of trainees / students and faculty, Jointly sponsor seminars, workshops and other academic events and to Host guest speakers/lectures and share lectures over video conference / National Knowledge Network (NKN). The MoU is expected tostrengthen academic and research activities of both the institutes.

Signining of MoU between NIELIT Calicut and KMCTCEW

KMCTCEW KMCT College of Engineering for Women KMCTCEW has entered into a MoU with NIELIT Calicut to foster Academics and Skill Development activities.  

The Executive Director, Dr M.P Pillai and the Principal C Kuruvilla, KMCTCEW signed the MoU representing both NIELIT Calicut and KMCTCEW respectively at NIELIT Calicut.

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