Foundation course in Internet of Things

NSQF Level: Level 4

Notional Hours: 90

Certifying Bodies: National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) NIELIT Bhawan, Plot No. 3, PSP Pocket, Sector-8, Dwarka, New Delhi-110077

Job Description: Junior R&D Engineer in IoT: Assisting in Research and development based activities in the field of IoT Research assistant in IoT: Assisting in Development of IoT based ecosystems IoT Network Engineer: responsible for implementing, maintaining, supporting and developing IoT communication networks IoT Test Engineers: Checking functionality of various IoT based systems and products Home automation Engineer: Working on Internet of Things based Home Automation system.

Formal structure of the qualification:

Title of unit or other component Mandatory/ Optional Estimated size (Hours) Level
IoT Introduction & Concepts Mandatory 5 4
Sensors & Actuators Mandatory 3 4
IoT Hardware platforms Mandatory 26 4
Networking Fundamentals Mandatory 8 4
Wireless for IoT Mandatory 26 4
IoT protocols Mandatory 6 4
IoT Graphical user interface and back end application design Mandatory 8 4
Cloud platforms for IoT Mandatory 8 4