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राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान ,कोहिमा

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology,Kohima

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India


Fresher's Day Celebration 2023 and Inauguration of New Labs at NIELIT Kohima

28 July 2023

Fresher's Day 2023 was celebrated with great enthusiasm on 28th July 2023 at NIELIT Kohima. The event was graced by Shri. Sethrongkyu, Hon’ble Advisor for IT&C, E&S, and Evaluation, Govt. of Nagaland, as the special guest. This annual celebration welcomed the new batch of students and set a positive tone for the academic year ahead.

The occasion was marked by a series of significant events, showcasing the institute's commitment to technological advancement and educational excellence. Shri. Sethrongkyu inaugurated the new Internet of Things (IoT) and 3D Printing Lab, a significant addition to NIELIT Kohima's infrastructure. This state-of-the-art facility aims to enhance the learning experience by providing students with hands-on experience in the latest technological innovations, preparing them for future challenges in the tech industry.

Furthermore, Shri. Sethrongkyu took the opportunity to recognize the efforts of law enforcement officers. He presented certificates to police participants who successfully completed advanced cyber forensics training at NIELIT Kohima. This training program is a part of the institute's ongoing efforts to equip law enforcement with the latest skills in cybercrime investigation and digital forensics, crucial for maintaining cyber security and combating digital crimes effectively.

The day's events highlighted NIELIT Kohima's dedication to fostering technological growth and providing quality education and training to the students and the trainees. The inauguration of the new labs and the recognition of the police participants' achievements underscored the institute's role in advancing both academic and professional excellence. The participation of a distinguished guest like Shri. Sethrongkyu added a layer of prestige to the celebrations, inspiring students and professionals alike.

Overall, Fresher's Day 2023 at NIELIT Kohima was a resounding success, reflecting the institute's mission to drive innovation and excellence in the field of electronics and information technology.

Contact Us

Meriema, New High Court Road,
Kohima - 797001,
Post Box: 733

Contact No: 9436215243/ 91-370-2806181/82

E-mail: dir-kohima[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in
