राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India
Course Calendar

SW100 – PG Diploma in Software Technology

Course : PG Diploma in Software Technology
Code : SW100
Starting Date : 11 September,2017
Last Date To Apply : 31 August,17
Course Coordinator :

Sini S Nair : Email:sini[at]calicut[dot]nielit[dot]in

Congratulations to  our  Students Arjun M S, Athul P P,  Abhijith Vishnu Prasad for getting placement in  Software Associates Calicut, Storilabs System Technologies Calicut.

Course Preamble

Given the growing demand for skilled professionals, and the rapid changes in technology, there is an increasing need to keep the academia abreast of the skill set requirement of the industry. The course has been designed to meet this requirement.  This job-oriented course is designed with a proper balance of theory with practice, so that students get enough hands on experience. The project work at the end of the course enables students to get an exposure to industrial standards.

Course Objective

The course is a 24 weeks full time course aimed at preparing fresh graduates for professional positions in the software and IT industry by developing advanced skills in cutting-edge technologies like Android application and .Net technology

Course Outcome

This is a hands on course which provides participants with the information and lab experience necessary to develop and deploy robust JEE 6 (Java Platform Enterprise Edition) framework applications. This course starts with core java and covers advanced Java and JEE. In the next module, participants will learn to develop applications using C#, VB.NET. They will also learn to apply these languages to develop server-side applications which make use of ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Web Services etc. Diploma in Android Application Development course gives a practical training on a collection of classes which help you build great apps for Android

Course Structure

SW_100:PG Diploma in Software Technology
Course Code Module Name Weeks Fees
Module I SW_101 Advanced Diploma in .NET Technologies 12 31250
Module II SW_102 Advanced Diploma in Android Application Development/Advanced Diploma in Java Enterprise Edition 12 31250
  Fee for SW_100: Rs. 60000 ( GST @ actuals)

Course Contents



Getting Started with .Net Framework, Exploring Visual Studio .NET, Inside a C# Program, Data Types, Statements, Arrays, Using Strings, Objects, Classes and Structs, Properties, Inheritance, Indexers, Delegates, Events, Namespaces, Generics, Collections and Data Structures, Exception Handling, Threading, Using Streams and Files, Reflection, Assemblies, versioning, Windows Forms, Controls, Data binding to Controls, Advanced Database Programming using ADO.net, Using GDI +, Networking, Manipulating XML.


Creating Applications with Visual Basic.NET, Variables, Constants, and Calculations, Making Decisions and Working with Strings, Lists, Loops, Validation, Sub Procedures and Functions, Multiple Forms, Standard Modules, and Menus, Arrays, Timers, Form Controls, Windows Presentation Foundation Controls, Working with Databases, Advanced Database Programming using ADO.net, Classes, Inheritance, Custom Controls, LINQ, Packaging & deployment, Using Crystal Reports.


Building a Web Application, Examples Using Standard Controls, Validating Form Input Controls using Validation Controls, Understanding Applications and State, Applying Styles, Themes, and Skins, Creating a Layout Using Master Pages, Binding to Databases using Controls, Data Management with ADO.net, Creating a Site Navigation Hierarchy, Navigation Controls , Login Controls, Securing Applications, Working with XML, Using Crystal Reports in Web Forms, AJAX, Developing Rich Interactive Applications with Silverlight.


Students are required to develop a .Net application under the guidance of the faculty. Students can also take up relevant projects from the industry.

Core Java

Introduction to Java Platform, Data Types, Variables, Arrays, Operators, Control Statements, Java Classes and Objects, Methods, Inheritance, Packages and Interfaces, Exception Handling, Threads and Multi Threading, I/O, String Handling, Java.Lang, Collections, Network Programming, Java AWT, Event Handling, Applets, Graphics, JFC Swing,  JDBC.

Android Application                                                                        

Introduction to Android, Development Environment, Emulator-Android virtual device, UI Design- Activities, Layouts, Menus, Styles and Themes, Debugging Android applications, intents and Notification services, Content Providers-SQLite, Adapters and Widgets, Multimedia, Location based services, Packaging and deployment.


Students are required to develop an Android application under the guidance of the faculty. Students can also take up relevant projects from the industry.


Course Fees

General Candidates :    60000 +* GST at actual

SC/ST Candidates :       6000**  + *GST at actual

*GST is presently 18% and revised rates are applicable as per Govt of India Orders

** For SC/ST Category Applicants: Tuition Fees/Examination fees are waived for SC/ST students admitted under SCSP/TSP. However they are required to remit an amount of Rs 7,080 as Advance caution/security deposit. This amount will be considered as caution/security deposit and will be refunded after successful completion of the course. If the student fails to complete the course successfully this amount along with any other caution/security deposits by the student will be forfeited.

See course brochure for Course Fee Installment Structure


ME/MTech, BE/BTech, MCA, BCA, MSc/BSc/3 Yr. Diploma (IT/Computer Science/Electronics) or equivalent of any of these or others with relevant experience.

Important Dates

Last date for submitting application – 31-Aug-2017

Selection intimation Through Website – 31-Aug-2017 (After 5.00 pm)

Counseling/Admission – 1-Sep-2017

More Details

For more details like How to Apply, Placement, Hostel, etc please see the Course Calendar 

For more Information Contact the course coordinator, Sini S  Nair: Email: sini[at]calicut[dot]nielit[dot]in Phone 0495 2287266(ext. 226).