राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान,दिल्ली
National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology,Delhi
Walk-in Interview for the posts of Sr. Faculties (IT and Electronics), Junior Faculties (IT and Electronics) and Front Office Counsellor, Programmer, Assistant Programmer and Data Entry Operators for NIELIT Kurukshetra
Recruitment of Manpower at NIELIT, Kurukshetra Centre is to be held 8th and 9th Jan,18
Candidate selected for the post of Front Office Counsellor(FOC), on contract basis, against the recruitment advertisement published in the newspapers on 01/12/2017 & 02/12/2017
Candidates selected for the post of Programmer, Assistant Programmer and Data Entry Operators
An Walk In-Interview will be held for engagement of the Faculty posts with consolidated pay on short term contract basis.
Interview Notice for the Employment Notice No 04/35/2017/Ghy/TRG dated 21-12-2017.
STQC written examination held on 15-10-2017 for the post of Scientific Officer-SB, Scientific Assistant-A and Tradesman-B: Provisional list of candidates who have secured minimum percentage of marks as per criteria laid down in the detailed Advt. No: NIELIT/NDL/2017/6 i.e. 50% for General, 40% for OBC and 30% for SC/ST
List of candidates selected for the posts of Programmer and Senior Faculty, on contract basis, against the recruitment advertisement published in the newspapers on 01/12/17 & 02/12/17
Candidates selected for the post of Senior and Junior Faculties and Lab Assistant
List of Eligible candidates , Interview Schedule & Rejected Candidates for the online interview to be held under NCPUL CABA-MDTP PROJECT on 22nd Jan 2018
नाइलिट दिल्ली केंद्र 2 फ्लोर, पार्श्वनाथ मेट्रो मॉल इंद्रलोक मेट्रो स्टेशन के पास इंद्रलोक पिन कोड: 110052 फोन नं 011-23644149,23644849,23652370