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राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान ,चंडीगढ़

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology,Chandigarh

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India


Executive Committee of the NIELIT Chandigarh Centre was held on 29th March, 2017

29 March 2017

The Executive Committee of the Chandigarh Centre was held on 29th March, 2017 at Chandigarh under the Chairmanship of DG, NIELIT. DG NIELIT and Executive Director, NIELIT Chandigarh extended warm welcome to all Members of the newly constituted committee comprises of Members from IIT, Ropar, Deptt of IT, E-Governance, Govt of Punjab and Member from Industry. Various core issues pertaining to Chandigarh centre and its extension centres at Ropar, Shimla & Kurukshetra were deliberated in the meeting. It was decided to hold the meetings of EC on quarterly basis in future. Meeting ended with a vote of thanks by FC to chair. 

Contact Us

NIELIT Chandigarh,

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology,Govt. of India.

Permanent Campus : Birla Farms, Bada Phull,
Rupnagar (Ropar) - 140001 (Punjab)
Phone: 01881-257008

NIELIT Extension Centre, Chandigarh:
Plot No. M925,
IETE Building,
Sector 30-B, Chandigarh 160030
Phone: 0172-2650121
