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राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान ,कोलकाता

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology,Kolkata

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India


Inaugural & Closing Ceremony of DGR sponsored Courses

11 February 2025

Inaugural & Closing Ceremony of DGR sponsored Courses

Closing ceremony for DGR sponsored NIELIT IT O-Level and Certificate Course in Artificial Intelligence course and opening ceremony for CHM T O-Level and Cyber Security Basic Literacy Batch were organized at NIELIT Kolkata JU campus on 11th February 2025. 39 participants in NIELIT IT O-Level were trained and 50 participants in CHM T O-Level have been enrolled.

The inaugural programme for CHM T O-Level and certificate distribution for IT O-Level were held in the presence of Lt Col Pradipta Saha, Dr Kalyan Baital, Scientist-D, NIELIT Kolkata, Mrs. Rashmi Mandal Vijayvergiya, Scientist-D, along with faculties for the course Smt. Krishnakali Kar Khan, STO, Ms Subhasmita Roy, Faculty and Smt. Sangeeta Mondal, Faculty.

The IT O-Level Course was appreciated by the participants. Lt Col Pradipta Saha congratulated the participants for completing the IT O-level and expressed his good wishes to the participants of CHMT O-Level. Dr. Kalyan Baital highlighted the participants about the importance of the courses and the use of cyber security in day to day life. The overall program was coordinated by Mrs. Rashmi Mandal Vijayvergiya.

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Jadavpur University Campus, Kolkata-700032
Telephone (EPABX): (033) 2414 - 6054/ 6081
Fax: (033) 2414 - 6549

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Salt Lake Campus,
BF-267, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700064
Phone: +91 (033)-46022246


