राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान ,इम्फाल

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology,Imphal

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India
S.No Particulars of Tender Date of Pre-Bid Meeting Last Date of Submission of Bid Address and any comment Nodal Officer Email/Contact No.

Notice inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for
appointment/empanelment of Project Management Consultant (PMC)

1. Tender Notice 2. Tender Document

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09 December,2021 Last date of submission is upto 3:00 pm of 09-12-2021 R.K Bigensana Singh, Joint Director(System)/Scientist-D, email-rkbigensana@nielit.gov.in

Notice inviting tender for the work of Implementation of Water Treatment Plant at NIELIT Imphal, Akampat

1. Tender Notice

2. Tender Document

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10 September,2021 Last date of submission has been extended upto 10-09-2021 upto 3:00 pm R.K Bigensana Singh, Joint Director(System)/Scientist-D, email-rkbigensana@nielit.gov.in

CORRIGENDUM to RFP for Empanelment of Service Providers for Hostel Mess, Canteen, Horticulture and, Maintenance & Cleaning of Toilets

1. Updated Tender Document for the RFP

2. Meeting minute and approved action/reply by the competent authority

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05 March,2021 As per pre-bid meeting of the RFP held on 18.02.2021, there is updation in the tender document. Interested parties are requested to refer the updated RFP document and pre-bid meeting minute linked with this corrigendum.

RFP for empanelment of Service Providers for Hostel Mess, Canteen Facility, Horticulture and Maintenance & Cleaning of Toilets at NIELIT Imphal. Request for Proposal (RFP)--Advertisement 

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18 February,2021 11:30:00 AM 09 March,2021 P.L.Rongmei plrongmei[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in Mobile No.+918729824887 laanthoi@gmail.

RFP for empanelment of Service Providers for Hostel Mess, Canteen Facility, Horticulture and Maintenance & Cleaning of Toilets at NIELIT Imphal. Request for Proposal (RFP)--Document​ 


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18 February,2021 11:30:00 AM 09 March,2021 P.L.Rongmei plrongmei[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in Mobile No.+918729824887
6 29 October,2018 P.L.Rongmei STO NIELIT Imphal plrongmei[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in

Pre-bid clarification of the Notice Inviting Tender No. Ref. NIELIT(i)/Admn/CCAS/2832019, dated 31.12.2019. Download

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14 January,2020 01:30:00 PM 27 January,2020 P.L.Rongmei plrongmei[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in Mobile No.+918729824887

Corrigendum 1 of the Notice Inviting Tender No. Ref. NIELIT(i)/Admn/CCAS/2832019, dated 31.12.2019. Download

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14 January,2020 01:30:00 PM 27 January,2020 P.L.Rongmei plrongmei[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in Mobile No.+918729824887


No: NIELIT(I)/Admn/WDP/300/20                                                          Dated 6th February,  2020


NIELIT Imphal is in the process of design and development of new websites and Updation of existing websites for Govt. Deptts./Bodies/Agencies complies with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 level AA.

Expression of Interest (EOI) for empanelment of firms/vendors is invited from registered firms/vendors having experience in the relevant field. Details can be had from www.nielit.gov.in/imphal. The last date of submission of EOI is 12th February, 2020 upto 5:00 pm at NIELIT Imphal, Akampat. Download


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12 February,2020 Shri. P. L. Rongmei, Senior Technical Officer, NIELIT Imphal. Email id : plrongmei@nielit.gov.in

Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) Reference No. NIELIT(i)/Admn/CCAS/2832019 dated 31.12.2019 is put on hold due to Technical & Administrative reasons till further notice.

27 January,2020 P.L.Rongmei, STO
Archived Tender


​Akampat P.O.Box-104,
Manipur -795001
E-mail: dir-imphal[at]nielit[dot]gov[dot]in
Fax: (0385)2449578
