NIELIT Extension Centre observed Swaach Bharat Abhiyan from 15th February 2016 to 29th February 2016 and as part of the Cleanliness drive, the following list of work was performed by the staffs along with the students.
1. The Office premises and store yard were cleaned and old materials and spoilt newspapers dating back to 2010 were disposed off properly. Pipes in the toilets were repaired and some civil work executed for supply of running water to the toilet to keep it clean and healthy.
2. Old files and records were weeded out.
3. A flower bed was constructed and a slope area was plastered to even the area.
4. PVC Pipes were purchased and put around the roof of the Office building to harvest water.
5. Andslide Solar Light was purchased and installed at the Office entrance for lighting up the Office’s premise. This has added additional security during the night when there is no power supply.
6. A compost pit was dug and provisions were made for proper disposal of garbage.
7. Water filter was installed for safe drinking water.