Hardware Accreditation

FAQ (96 KB)                                                                                                           Accredited Institutes’ List (64 KB)

Accreditation Requirements

Following are the basic requirements for Applying for Hardware Accreditation.

  • Own Premises (or if hired, the lease must be on a long term basis)
  • Faculty consisting of both ‘teaching’ and ‘support’ faculty (and must meet the numbers, qualifications and experience criteria as specified for the concerned level of course;
  • The necessary hardware as well as software to conduct training as per syllabus of a particular level course;
  • Faculty to provide hands-on training covering at least half of the allocated time;
  • Licensed Software, as understood in terms of intellectual property rights;
  • A library with a good selection of books and subscription to the periodicals and magazines of standard quality;
  • Sound financial status;
  • Close interaction with the industry.
Accreditation Fee Structure
Provisional Accreditation for (Level/Period) Accreditation Fees (Rs.)* Awareness Creation Fund (Rs.)** Total Amount (Rs.)
CHM-O’ / 3 Years Rs 18000/- + VAF* Rs 2000/- Rs 20000/- + VAF
‘CHM-A’ / 3 Years Rs 18000/- + VAF* Rs 2000/- Rs 20000/- + VAF


* VAF – Variable Accreditation Fee. **ACF – Awareness Creation Fund

Cost of Documents
Accreditation Guidelines Rs 500/-
CHM ‘O’ Level Syllabus Rs 125/-
CHM ‘A’ Level Syllabus Rs 150/-

To obtain by post, pay by DD in favour of Director, DOEACC Centre at Respective region. (Add additional postage charge of RS. 65/-)

For further queries on Hardware Accreditation contact

Regional Coordinator / In – Charge Accreditation
National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology,Calicut
Post Box No.5
NIT Campus PO
Calicut-673 601
Phone: 0495 – 2287266, 2287124 Fax # 0495 – 2287168
Email: hwaccr[at]calicut[dot]nielit[dot]in
website: http://calicut.nielit.gov.in
