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राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान ,कालीकट

National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology,Calicut

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Government of India


3 Day A three day workshop on e-waste management for Government officials jointly organized by National Institute of Electronics and IT, Calicut and Kerala State IT Mission was inaugurated on 18th July at Hotel S P Grand in the presence of Dr. M P Pillai,

18 July 2018

A three day workshop on e-waste management for Government officials jointly organized by National Institute of Electronics and IT, Calicut and Kerala State IT Mission was inaugurated on 18th July at Hotel S P Grand in the presence of Dr. M P Pillai, Executive Director NIELIT, Dr. Ajaykumar Varma, Executive Director Suchitwa Mission Kerala, and Shri. Sreeram Sambasiva Rao, IAS Director KSITM. Unique & first of its kind in the state, the workshop is funded by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India.  Speaking on the occasion, Dr Pillai, highlighted the need for awareness on e-waste, which is going to be the major environmental challenge in the near future. Though, IT and electronic industry have contributed significantly to the overall economic growth and helped the human race, lack of awareness, non availability of regulatory mechanisms and proper disposal mechanisms have led to problems of contamination and pollution by e-waste.

E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011 including restrictions on usage of hazardous substances (RoHS) as per global best-practices and prevention of e-waste dumping in the country is a subject which is being dealt by Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF).  Despite, these rules, close to 80 % of the e-waste (TV, Computer, oven, fridge, mobile, A/C, LED lamp etc.,) continues to be handled by informal sector, without following any scientific procedures.

The major concern of e-Waste Management in India is lack of awareness among various stakeholders. It is essential that Government Officials are made aware about e-waste, its hazards and management, as well as make them familiar with e-Waste Management Rules, 2011 &  2016  as highlighted in the key note presentation by Dr Ajaykumar Varma, ED, Suchitwa Mission Kerala. More than 50 officials from various government departments including state pollution control board are participating in the workshop, which is scheduled till 20th July.   Experts from state pollution control board and empanelled recyclers are also scheduled to guide the participants along with video presentations and help them to prepare e-waste action plan for their respective departments.

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NIELIT Calicut
Post Box No. 5, P. O. NIT Campus,
CALICUT – 673601,Kerala
Tel. : 0495-2287266, 2287166 ,
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